Saturday, February 9, 2013

Images And Words Week 197 - Ingenious Inventions

Throughout history our means by which to hunt, cloth and feed ourselves have evolved. From the bone implements of the pre-historic peoples to the advanced instruments and equipment of the Modern Era. Ever since we weren't forced to hunt for food we could find time to think up new solutions to everyday issues.
The theme for this week is...


Im looking forward to view and comment on your entries. Enjoy.
Wish you all...

All the Best from Anders

This is a terrific and rare item … it is a French Bronze figural bottle opener in the form of duck’s head. It is polychromed in subtle colors. The actual bottle opening hardware is hidden in the base. It is marked on the base – the name of the item is “Ducky” and it was made by the famous Kirby Beard & Company of Paris. Kirby Beard is a storied company whose legacy goes back nearly 200 years -- having started in the 1820s. The company started in England making needles and pins and eventually were one of the earliest makers of razor blades (to this day, Kirby Beard razor blades are highly collectible). Kirby Beard is also credited for inventing what is commonly known as a Bobby Pin … but was originally called the “Kirby Grip”. Kirby Beard eventually went on to become a maker of luxury goods and opened a few high end retail shops around the world – their most famous was their Paris flagship and the Kirby Beard goods that are labeled “Paris” -- from their Paris store -- are usually considered to be the most collectible. This Kirby Beard “Ducky” bottle opener is one of there most collectible items – it is not easy to find and when it comes on the market, a single "Ducky" generally sells for the price we are asking for a PAIR! So, if you are a collector of Kirby Beard … of duck items … of figural barware … or just like cool stuff, this bottle opener is a terrific bargain. It would also make a spectacular gift!

The Rules:

Each week we will post an original photo with words on it. The idea behind this group is to expand our minds through our photography.
Photos must be your own, but the words can be someone else's as long as credit is given after the words.
Your post can either be serious, or if you'd like comical, but never obscene .
Posts can either have one word on them,quotes, or full poems ... Your choice.
All posts are to be done on your own site in a blog form with a link back to it being left here. New topics will be posted on Sundays.
Posts can be made through Saturday.
One post per person only please.


  1. I think I got a bit confused as to where the actual Images and Words should be posted. Nice bottle opener and

    here is mine again - posted on your entry Anders

  2. Pat. the regular posting of iaw blogs goes. You post ur entry on ur blogger page and then link it here.

    I dont know if you have a Muze accound. Only if you want may you post a blog there too and link to the Muse annexe.

  3. A very interesting object Anders and a great theme. I tool a slightly oblique view of this weeks theme LOL. Here is my contribution;)I&W

  4. Anders, I do enjoy posting this interesting theme.

    Here is mine: I & W Inventions

  5. Though my invention is not VINTAGE it certainly is INGENIOUS!!!

    Greetings all....Love your photo and history, Anders

    I can be found here:

  6. Hi Anders!! Great idea for the theme!! Love your 'Ducky' bottle-opener. I've heard of the Kirby Beard Co, of course, but not this particularl invention of theirs. Here is MY I&W ENTRY

  7. Sort of got carried away and not sure if this really fits Images and Words guidelines but here it is anyway:

    Lynda's Iamges & Words 197

  8. I would never of known the usage for this kewl ducks interesting Anders.
    Good one!!!

  9. Versions of those ducks heads are very common here, in Portugal... they are cute and practical, indeed!

    Golf Balls

  10. My entry can be found here...

  11. Nice theme, Anders. Love the bottle opener.

  12. I love your theme Anders and as usual I have made my post first on flickr then blogger then

  13. Of course I don't know how to make my link so I will thank Anders in advance for doing it.

    1. You're welcome, dear. the other link gadget doesnt work for me for some reason.

  14. Sue where's the link for your post in here?
