Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dear Members of Images & Words (NOTE FOR WEEK 194)

For week 194, which is on Sunday the 20th of January, I thought a calendar would be fun to do. I'm posting this information to give ample warning to all of you. We'll need 12 photos - one for each month.
If members wish to choose a month to post for the calendar would it be possible to place the month here please that you wish to make for the I&W Calendar. First in gets to choose their month and the others will be able to choose from what has not already been taken. I wish to use July and Milli wishes to use May. Which leaves 10 to be chosen.
Hope you'll enjoy the challenge. Take care and best to you all. Anders

Updated list
January - Lynne
February - Belita
March - Kia
April - Marianne
May - Milli
June - Sue
July - Anders
August - Heidi
September - Debby
October - Amalie
November - Shayna
December - Fatos

Second Round
January - Baz
February -
March -
April -
May - Linda (LadyCallie)
June -
July -
August -
September -
October -
November -
December -


  1. This sounds fun!!! I would like to have January!

  2. uuuh, sounds like fun, have no idea yet, what to use for image, have we got a theme to go by???????? Animals, Landscapes, Flowers or what ?????

    1. Nothing in particular Marianne it is up to you what quote and photo you choose for the month that you would like to have out of what there is left.
      So far we have
      Lynne January
      Milli May
      Anders July
      Heidi August
      Amalie October
      So you can choose from February, March, April, June, September,
      November or December.

    2. then I will take April, my birthday month, thank you

    3. The Sunday that is the day for 194 is the 20th of January.

  3. I would like to take June.... We have more then 12 Members. Can there be more then then one person
    for a certain month?
    Are we going to give the option if a member wants a calendar printed out to get high quality
    photos of the months?
    I think it would be special to have my friends photos on a calendar on my wall.

  4. Of course the other members may chose a month to post.

    Here they are...

    Pat, Joy, Lynda, Danette, Sophie, Shayna,
    Marcel, Jacob, Baz, Mitch, Fatos, Amy
    Joanne, Barbara, MJ, Linda, Jan, Keith, Maggie
    Sue Hill, Lil, Kia, Douglas, Angel Wolf.

    Depending on how many who participates - there could be up to three calendars in all.

    1. You mean three differant calanders Anders?

    2. Yes, or perhaps two images per page of the calendar.

  5. This is an awesome idea. I don't have anything good enough so will just be watching this one.

    1. Of course you do Shayna.
      Come on give it a try please.

    2. Please don't forget my computer crashed and i can't find a lot of my pix. I will have another look.

  6. Hello everybody :)
    I think I have something for March...

  7. Updated list

    January - Lynne
    February - Belita
    March - Kia
    April - Marianne
    May - Milli
    June - Sue
    July - Anders
    August - Heidi
    September - Debby
    October - Amalie
    November -
    December -

  8. Two calendars sounds great. I think everyone is really excited about this.

    1. When all choices have been made the decision for two calendars or two images/month can be made.

  9. I am so busy right now, will just enjoy the photos of others.



  11. My contribution to the calendar is ready... If you like what I've done in the 2nd picture I can
    do it for the 12 months... if you're interested tell me! No need to write your quote on the picture)

  12. First of all I apologise for not being quite clear about the purpose of posting this blog.
    Which was to prepare for the Week 194 which is due on the 20th of January.
    I just wanted you all to have the opportunity to chose a month of the calendar and since
    we are at least 24 active members - the first 10 slots were quickly chosen - the rest of group
    will have to chose November or December or begin with the January - December in a second round.

  13. I will give it a go for November Anders. *gulp!* LOL

  14. Updated list of the complete first round of the calendar month chosing can be seen in above blog post. Welcome to chose the month
    in the second batch. best Anders.

  15. And if you feel like chosing it after I've posted the main blog on Sunday that is good too.

  16. Linda's chosen May in the second round.

  17. Anders.. I have no idea what this is, so, let me know.. fb me an actual msg.. , would love to be part of this even if it is in the 2nd calendar.. :) but, I need to know what kind of pic to put up.. It is hard for me to keep in contact in so many places.. Please.. Hugs, lil

    1. Dear Angel. The idea of the Calendar is that we first of shall chose a month of the ones listed above. As you see the first twelve months have already been covered. So it is the second batch that can chosen from now. Linda has already tagged May - so that means that there are 11 to go - that is if the other members who havent chosen a month choses one next week after I've posted the main blog.

      Now, dear, this is what you do - as always on Images & Words, you chose your own photo and adds text and for this time add ur name to it as well (to certify that no one else uses it).

      I hope this can be of help to you.

  18. I will do January if thats OK;)

  19. I am in

    here is mine and it is on Flicr as well, but on my page, I do not know how to upload to I&W on Flickr. If you would rather have me do an African animal or landscape to make it more Around the World, please do say so, I had hassle with April in my stupidity and seasons differing from Northern to Southern Hemispheres LOL blonde
