Saturday, October 13, 2012

Images & Words - Colors of your season -180

Images & Words - Colors of your season. This is Sue hosting this week and I thought everyone could post a photo of what ever season they are having now. My season is Autumn and my photo was taken in a Bavarian town called Leavenworth, Washington. Every year they celebrate the Autumn festival with all the tree's in glorious color. I hope you all will share your part of the world.    One thing be sure to go to our flickr page and leave a copy of your photo there so we can put it in our "pool" and add it to the the wonderful slideshow. Be sure to put your name and quote on your photo so everyone knows who the photo belongs to.      So keep on shooting and having


  1. I forgot my quote and something is wrong with multiply so I will
    put it here.

    Autumn is a second spring
    when every leaf is a flower

  2. Yes it you can put your post on Images & Words now. I will be looking at both sites.

    Please join in the fun and share your photo's with us.
    I will be back after football game to have a peek.
